Friday, January 9, 2015

#REPresent - It's about something bigger than you


 "It's about something bigger than you"

What in the world do beatboxing, break dancing, an ex-BYU mascot and a harmonica have to do with the education of our youth?  That's what I was wondering when I heard Josh Drean would be coming to Treynor and boy did he answer that question.

Today, after many months of work from our district OLWEUS team and training by the entire district we had a kick off assembly for both the Elementary and Middle/High School students. The premises for our kick-off was to raise awareness, and get kids excited for the implementation of our district-wide OLWEUS anti-bullying program that is being rolled out the second semester of this school year.

With that said, it's more than just an anti-bullying program that we are working on implementing at TCSD. Our true goal is to make all students love coming to school. We know that when a student can trust the people around them to care and respect them` their potential for growth is limitless.

  • As @joshdrean says it is about always taking time to REPresent your community, your school, and your family. 
  • As a 4th grade so graciously told me after the assembly: "we are learning to remember that it's about something bigger than you".  
  • As our district leadership always reminds us, it is about making sure our students feel safe and secure. 

And after today's message from Josh we all believe that when you remember to always REPresent yourself in a way your community, school and family can be proud of you will make a positive impact in your school and community for years to come.

What can you do in your school?

To start with, if you get a chance to have Josh Drean at your school, DO IT. I can't say enough about his level of engagement with the students. Not to mention the entire day the kids talked about his message. One kid even came back into my room and just said, "Wow...... Wow that's all!"  And if you don't get a chance to have him in your school, remember the little acronym he uses for REPresent.

Extend a hand
Play nice

1 comment:

  1. A high school student went to his next class and said "I felt he was talking about me!" What a wonderful gift Josh has to reach these kids!
